Saturday, April 22, 2017

Dreaming of Baby Crying, Old Spirit, Womens voices

I always have strange dreams. I try to keep track of them. I like to see what I can learn from my dreams so that I can change my life for the better. Truthfully our dreams are simply mirrors of our subconsciousness. We really should not let it go to waste. 

So the dream is that I am moving into a new room. I'm back at college but this time I'm actually living in a fraternity house. One of the girls shows me to my room. Then warns me. "If it's really really quiet, you will hear a baby cry." In that instant I do hear a baby cry and suddenly an old woman appears out of nowhere. I literally feel myself jump back and run out of the room. 

What does a baby crying in dreams mean? Babies symbolize something in your own inner nature that is pure, vulnerable, helpless and/or not corrupted. To dream of a crying baby symbolizes a part of yourself that is deprived of attention and needs to be nurtured. Alternatively, it represents your unfulfilled goals and a sense of lacking in your life.

Honestly, this is really true. I have ended two relationships in the past year or so. I know that we should not base our selves on the people that we have in our lives. It just seems like my life has been consisted of work, school, and working out. I need to find some time to relax and do things that I enjoy. Even if it means doing them by myself.

What about the ghost in the room? What does it mean in a dream? 
To see a ghost in your dream represents something that is no longer obtainable or within reach. It indicates that you are feeling disconnected from life and society. Try to figure out what the ghost wants or what it is looking for. The dream may also be a calling for you to move on and abandon your outdated modes of thinking and behavior. Dreaming that you are being stalked or haunted by a ghost indicates that you are refusing to confront issues from your past which is affecting your present life.

So basically my dream is telling me that I am a recluse. With work, school, and the gym I have disconnected myself from the world. Unfortunately, this is a necessary evil. I'm in the process of changing my life around. I'm starting a new business. Im trying to get into shape to deal with the future. Sadly I will more than likely end up in a wheel chair. That's kinda has me feeling depressed

Signs of breathing difficulties

A Paramedic is called to a scene where there is a respiratory emergencies. How does an EMT or person from the EMS team know? What sign and symptoms should he/she be looking for?

Abnormal breathing sounds such as wheezing, Rhonchi, and Rales.

There is trauma to the chest or lungs of the patient

Patient membranes are turning blue in color. This is near the eyes, nose, and mouth area of the patient.

The EMT will notice that the patient is sitting in a tripod position. This is a position where the patient is sitting upright. They will have their arms in front of them in a locked position.

Patients mental status is decreasing as the EMT, Paramedic, or Firefighter is talking to them.

Signs of adequate breathing

Adequate breathing is key to an EMT having a patient survive their medical illness or trauma. The question is "What are the signs of adequate breathing?" The signs are a little more then air going in and out of the airways. What should an Emergency Medical Technician be looking for?

An intact open airway

Normal respiratory rate
Normal rise and fall of the chest
Normal respiratory rhythm
Breath sounds that are present bilaterally
Chest expansion and relaxation that occurs
No use of accessory muscles to aid in breathing
Normal mental status
Normal muscle tone
Normal pulse oximeter reading
Normal skin condition findings

Patient Care Reports

Here is a short EMT review about documentation and patient care reports. The following questions help remind us why these reports are important in our career. It is my hope that these questions will help you on your EMT refresher and testing.

Explain the various uses of the documentation that the EMT generates after a patients contact?

Documentation can be used for continuous patient care, administration uses, as legal documents, educational documents, research, evaluation and improvement to the EMS system.

Describe two common formats for the Patient Care Report.
The two most common formats for a PCR is a written form or a computerized report. The computerized format is usually an electronic tablet or handheld device.

Explain the origin and purpose of the minimum data set.
The U.S. Department of Transportation has made an effort to standardize the information collected on a PCR. The purpose is to standardize reporting throughout the United States.

Explain what the phrase "accurate and synchronous clocks" meaning and its importance.
EMS systems should use clocks or time keepers that are accurately set and agreed upon.

Define Pertinent Negatives.
Pertinent negatives are signs or symptoms that might be expected base on the chief complaint but are denied by patient.

List the steps you should take if a patient refuses treatment.
A. Make sure patient is ration and not suicidal
B. Perform as much assessment as possible
C. Inform patient of risks for not obtaining medical care
D. Make last effort to have patient seek care
E. Have patient sign refusal of treatment form that is part of the PCR.

Explain the meaning and importance of the following document rules. 
"If it wasn't written down, it wasn't done"
"If it wasn't done, don't write it down"
These two statements pertain to a patients care record. It's important to be exact on these reports. It may be easy to write something down to save face but this can be potentially harmful to the patient and your career.

Describe how errors on PCR should be corrected
An error on a PCR should be corrected by making a line through the mistake and then putting your initials next to it.

Explain how multiple casualty incidents can effect EMT documentation.
All the information may not be collected right at the scene of the incident. A multiple causality incident will cause the need for triage tags. Where name, age, and chief complaint is recorded.

Describe circumstances in which an EMT might be expected to file special reports with other agencies.
A. Child or Elderly neglect
B. Possible contact of diseases
C. Injury to EMS Team

Well I hope that you find these EMT training notes useful. I'll be adding additional notes as EMT classes go on. Please feel free to leave comments. I honestly believe that we can learn from each other.

EMT Keypoints

What is EMT Keypoints and notes? There was a time in my life where I wanted to be an EMT. Sadly, Diabetic nerve damage took away my chance to work in the trucks. I still want to be an EMT and Paramedic but it's just not going to happen. Yes, it's something that Im really sad about.

I didn't want to throw away my EMT notes. So I thought I would add the key points and quizzes to Life in DFW. Perhaps it will help a future EMT or nurse study for their exams. I won't feel like a year has gone to waste. People don't understand that time is a valuable thing and it's smart to use it wisely.

So hopefully my wise decision will help someone else in this world. I don't plan on stopping there. I also want to include news about the police department, fire department, and EMS system. Life in DFW will include the good, bad, and ugly.